
Beneficial and lasting change to our society can be achieved if we all align towards common goals. We partner with organizations across the strata of social, public and private sectors to create programs that promote tangible outcomes such as economic uplift as well as intangible outcomes such as cultural reawakening.

Cultural Preservation

Central America holds riches within its mayan people through their traditions and history. These programs are designed to rescue sacred mayan sites, its cultural objects, and the art of generational storytelling and to promote the resurgence of cultural ownership from the Guatemalan people.

The “Mayan Ball game” (Juego de Pelota Maya)

In cooperation with the Fundacion Lucy W. Sturgill we are activating the economy of the area San Andres Semetabaj, Solola.  Re-creating and then promoting ancient Mayan culture through their well known game “The Mayan Ball”. This cultural activity represents an opportunity to attract both national and international tourism to increase economic opportunities for Guatemala’s indigenous and local peoples.

Kite Festival of Atitlan – Giant Kites (Barriletes Gigantes)

These Giant Kites are tangible and vivid expressions of a rich Guatemalan culture and its foundation in the tradition The Day of the Dead (El Dia de los Muertos). It is believed that to fly large and beautiful kites, reaching as high as possible, allows one to communicate with lost loved ones and family members. In partnership with the Municipalidad de San Andrés Semetabal, government organization INGUAT (Instituto Guatemalteco de Turismo), and the Fundacion Lucy W. Sturgill, this incredible piece of historic tradition was relocated from its previous area of Santiago y Sumpango, to one of stronger economic need.

Miss Kaqcchikel

As a way to incentivize tourism, EWB has partnered with the municipal council of San Andrés Semetabaj as well as the private sector, to organize and promote an indigenous beauty pageant called Miss Kaqchikel. The concept is simple: promote indigenous women internationally and attract tourists to experience the culture and beauty of not only the famous Lake Atitlan, but also its neighboring towns through creative touristic activities that will contribute to the creation of permanent job opportunities and businesses.

This project has garnered tremendous support from the municipal council of San Andres Semetabaj , private organizations.

Archeological research to uncover lost Mayan sites known as Monticulos Mayas

An ongoing cultural heritage program to locate and then excavate Mayan sites with the intention to preserve and then promote these artifacts.

Our goal is to attract tourism and enhance the economy of the numerous families in the area.

Partners include: Universidad del Valle de Guatemala -UVG and Universidad Rafael Landivar -URL.

Area Investment and Development

San Andrés Atitlan

San Andrés Semetabaj is one of the areas that make up the department of Sololá Guatemala, containing a large population of indigenous peoples.

Unfortunately for many of these people, a lack of permanent work opportunity in the area forces not only family leaders, but also older children to look for new ways to make a living; often illegal immigration to the United States to seek income.

This is a social crisis that spans regions, borders, and is the result of the lack of viable opportunities to earn a family income. Furthermore it has been proven to result in family disintegration and generational poverty; all which have led to increased violence both in Guatemala and the United States.

To combat this crisis, in cooperation with the Municipal council of San Andrés Semetabaj, we are promoting national and international investment to the area with a focus towards tourism, housing development and hospitality services so that permanent work opportunities can be created in the area.

Entrepreneurs Without Boundaries, the municipality of San Andres Semetabaj, and companies: EFRASTEL S.A., EDIFICACIA, FOXA S.A., Proyectos Agrí­colas Centroamericanos, are in support to invest close to $10M USD into a housing development project that highlights the stunning nature the exists in the area. The first phase of this Project, titled San Andres Lake View Terrace, will comprise approximately seventy five (75) vacation style homes with an audience of American and international retirees, who value such ecological characteristics. The second phase of the project, still under consideration, has plans that may include a hotel.

One of the main strategies and chief differences between this project and other in the private sector is that under our direction, the service and hospitality labor force to support this project. the local indigenous people, will be highly trained. These people will have the pride of being certified in their specific area of support such as home technology, home making, recycling, day care etc., and will be available to the residents of these homes all year long.

This unique partnership will provide for better local wages and a permanent work opportunity for the indigenous people with an end result of these individuals no longer feeling the need to immigrate to the United States in search for what often becomes illegal employment.